Do you need computer glasses in the UK in 2021

Computer glasses: How do they work and who needs them?

Computer Glasses
Computer Glasses

Let us ask you a question, how many hours in a day do you spend staring at computer screens? From scrolling through social media first thing in the morning to watching movies at night, we sincerely dedicate all our time to our devices. 

While we understand that the internet is a source of entertainment and many of you have 9 to 5 jobs to do, make sure that your eyes are healthy and safe in your busy tech lives. How about using prescription computer glasses for digital protection? If you don’t have a prescription, you can get computer glasses with clear lenses. 

We don’t want to come across as too pushy. So, we are going to fill you in on the harmful effects of too much screen time and let you decide if you should be alarmed by your screen habits.

What is blue light?

What is blue light
what is blue light

Blue light is a part of the coloured light spectrum. It is present in the sunlight as well. But, it is the blue light from our devices that we should be concerned about. With its short wavelengths, blue light produces high energy that messes with your eyes. 

While natural blue light is beneficial in boosting attention and reaction times, it’s not so much desirable when coming from your screens. This artificial light cannot be blocked by your eyes. So you need some type of protective gear such as blue light computer glasses to protect your eyes. 

The blue light goes straight to your retina and inflict damage to the tiny light detectors. Also, exposure to blue waves reduces the melatonin (a hormone that controls your sleep/wake cycle) levels in your body. This is why you struggle to sleep at night if you’ve been glued to your screens all day. 

Also, when you are over 40, it’s natural for your eye to lose its near vision and the effects of blue light are strongly felt by your eyes. In this case, you will need a pair of reading computer glasses that not only correct your vision but also block the blue waves. 

Benefits of computer glasses

As we have established that excessive blue light is bad for your eye health, it’s time to take it a step further and tell you about the following benefits of blue light computer glasses:

  • They help your eyes to focus better and prevent digital eye strain.

  • They reduce the risk of vision-threatening eye conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration. 

  • They reduce glare and enhance your field of vision.

  • They help you sleep better despite having spent extensive screen time in the day.

So, if you are a professional working in a modern office space with screens all around you, consider buying prescription computer glasses. 

How to find the best computer glass in the UK in 2021?

When buying a new pair of glasses, keep both function and fashion in mind. Even though you are going to wear them in front of your computer screens, looking good never feels bad. Here are a few pointers that’ll help:


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